Welcome to The Lennox Berkeley Society

Sir Lennox Berkeley was a seminal figure in twentieth-century English music, as both composer and teacher. Within these pages you’ll be able to find out more about the man and his music, with a Biography, Picture Gallery, lists of Works and Recordings and many useful Links.
You’ll also discover how you can become a member of the Society. We are a small organisation (with charitable status), dedicated to the promotion of Berkeley’s music. We exist to encourage performance, study, recording and broadcast of his work. In recent years his rich repertoire has become more prominent than at any time since his death. As you’ll see on the Recordings page, CDs produced by internationally-acclaimed record labels cover the full range of Berkeley’s output: symphonies, operas and ballets, chamber and instrumental music, songs, choral music and liturgical settings.
Berkeley’s one-act comic opera, A Dinner Engagement, has been performed in recent years in Sao Paulo; Halifax; Nova Scotia; Vermont; New York; London; Oxford; Sydney; and Perth. His sacred works are regularly performed in cathedrals around the world. Check out Events for details of performances near you. See the Grants page for more information.
Since 2008 the Society has produced an annual printed Journal, edited by Berkeley’s biographer, Tony Scotland, and designed by our Webmaster, Thomas Daly, covering articles about Berkeley’s life and work, new recordings and reviews, new score editions, new books, newly-discovered manuscripts, concerts and other performances, etc. And in 2024 Tom began converting the article archive to HTML format to allow them to be preserved on the internet, available for all in perpetuity, and easily read on, and downloaded from, desktop computers, tablets and mobile phones. You can find the articles here, beautifully laid out with all their original photographs and illustrations, and easily searchable. You’ll find a list, sorted by year, of all the articles published in the Journal in its first 16 years. To locate a specific article, enter your search terms – e.g., ‘Boulanger’, ‘Nelson’, ‘Freda’, ’Nocturne’ – in the search box at the top of the page, and this will bring up brief details of the article you’re looking for; to read the full piece, simply click on the one that’s appropriate.
I hope you find this site useful – whether you’re new to Sir Lennox’s music, or a performer or music-lover already familiar with it.
Do let us know your thoughts about the man, the music, the site – we’d really like to hear from you.
Petroc Trelawny
President, The Lennox Berkeley Society
The Lennox Berkeley Society was founded by Kathleen Walker and Jim Nicol in 1999. The first meeting took place on 9 September 2000, at the home in London of the composer's widow, Lady [Freda] Berkeley, with Jim Nicol in the Chair. The Society became a charity in 2002.
- Kathleen Walker
- Jim Nicol
- Sally Beamish
- Lord Berkeley of Knighton CBE
- Emily Beynon
- Professor Jonathan Freeman-Attwood
- David Wordsworth
Past Patrons
- Dame Janet Baker CH, DBE, FRSA
- Lady Berkeley (1923-2016)
- Sir Richard Rodney Bennett CBE (1936-2012)
- Julian Bream, CBE (1933-2020)
- Professor Peter Dickinson (1934–2023)
- Eithne Herbage (1927-2020)
- Richard Hickox CBE (1948-2008)
- Colin Horsley OBE, FRCM (1920-2012)
- Sir John Manduell CBE (1928-2017)
- Jim Nicol (1928-2019)
- Sir John Tavener (1944-2013)
- Kathleen Walker (1924-2020)
Adam Pounds
Hon. Treasurer & Hon. Membership Secretary
Anthony Sheppard
Rupert Robertson
Editor, LBS Journal
Tony Scotland
Julian Berkeley
Ashleigh Bridges, Editor, LBS News Letter
Sidney Buckland
Paul Cott
Dinah Pounds
Christopher DalyThomas Daly (Webmaster)
Contact Us
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