Recordings of Lennox Berkeley's music
O be joyful in the Lord
- The Lord is My Shepherd (op. 91 part 1)
Performed by the Lincoln Cathedral Choir, Aric Prentice (conductor), Charles Harrison (organ) & Christopher Mitchell (treble)
Twelve Days: A Christmas Celebration
- I Sing of a Maiden
Performed by Katy McAdam & Matthew Altham (conductor)
Sing reign of fair maid
- Salve Regina (op. 48 part 1)
Performed by the Ely Cathedral Girls' Choir & Sarah MacDonald (conductor)
Lennox Berkeley, Arthur Benjamin: Works for Piano
- Three lmpromptus (op. 7)
- Four Concert Studies (op. 14 part 1)
- Sonata for Piano (op. 20)
- Six Preludes (op. 23)
- Scherzo (op. 32 part 2)
- Concert Study in Eb (op. 48 part 2)
Performed by Colin Horsley (piano)
Rubbra Violin Sonata No. 2, L. Berkeley Violin Sonatina & Theme and Variations

Label: Naxos Classical Archives
Release date: June 2008
Catalogue no: 9.80126
Available from: Classics Online
Performed by Frederick Grinke (violin) and Lennox Berkeley (piano)
- Sonatina (op. 17)
- Theme and Variations (op. 33 part 1)
Antiphon: A Tribute to John Manduell

Label: Dutton Vocalion
Release date: March 2008
Catalogue no: CDLX 7207
Available from: Dutton Vocalion, Watford, Hertfordshire, UK Tel: 01923 803001
Features the world premiere recording on CD of Antiphon, plus Rondo for Nine for string nonet by John Manduell and works by Mátyás Seiber, Peter Crossley-Holland, Gordon Crosse and Anthony Gilbert
- Antiphon (op. 85)
Performed by the Manchester Chamber Ensemble & Richard Howarth (conductor)
Hear my Words
- The Lord is My Shepherd (op. 91 part 1)
Performed by the Eton College Chapel Choir, David Goode (organ) & Ralph Allwood (conductor)
Alan Rawsthorne, Lennox Berkeley, Alan Bush
- Sonatina (op. 17)
- Sextet (op. 47)
Performed by the Music Group of London
Rodrigo: Concerto de Aranjuez
- Concerto for Guitar (op. 88)
Performed by the Orchestre de Chambre Jean-François Paillard, Kazuhito Yamashita (guitar) & Jean-François Paillard (conductor)
500 Years of Music
- Variation on an Elizabethan Theme (Sellinger's Round)
Performed by the Guildhall String Ensemble